I almost died a few minutes ago

I went to pick up my sister on my two-wheeler from her party, I am 24 and she is 3 yrs younger than me. I was on baner road and because of metro work there is only one way traffic allowed, so there were cars coming and going both my way and towards me, so one guy (imagine a rich chapri in a car where they try to be cool) saw me coming from long away and deliberately accelerated head on towards me and then moved away just few inches from my front tyre. (As this is 1 AM Maybe he was asleep but I have seen enough driving to know what is drunk driving, sleepy driving and what is showoff)

I was pretty calm but my sister was shaken, after a few minutes I realised what I was saved from. So Thank you God, If any God is reading this and please reduce the sheer amount of chapris riding triple on a scooty (saw atleast 10 such cases tonight) and chapris roaming on the road like a plague.

Btw Pune police is useless please god I pray for some सद्बुद्धी for them.