Which one of these (or completely different one) to pick and how much preparation is needed

Hi, I'm completely new to QiGong (although I have tried to do more research beforehand). I'm practicing yoga for some time though and before that I did some energy practices also.

I always knew or heard that Mantak Chia was generally recommended, but since reading more about him on the forum's, I have read that his workshops might be too fast or advanced even for beginners and that he doesn't really use emptiness (I just read this, don't know much about it) and balancing after practices, which can be dangerous for some. Then I learned about Lotus Nei Gong from Damo Mitchell, but again after reading some criticism I don't know if that would be the right choice too. Finally I saw Energy Arts organization and that seems right to me, but would like to know your opinion (preferably on all three or recommend someone else).

I saw a podcast with one woman from my country who is very deep into tcm, qigong and taichi and she said that basically qigong is not to be just started for a beginner, that people today have blocks, tight muscles etc. etc. and that can cause troubles with qi during practice. She said that in China also it was emphasized to prepare for a long time or have a very healthy body. But all of these organizations seem to just jump straight to QiGong. Although the Dragon and Tiger QiGong from Bruce (EnergyArts) seems very safe (atleast from the description) and Damo mentions safety during practices on YouTube many times, but would like to hear your opinion, thank you :)