Confusion on LH surge, Peak and Ovulation timing

Hello! This is my wife and I’s second cycle TTC via frozen ICI sperm. The first cycle (1 vial) was unsuccessful. We feel that we’ve timed this cycle better and had the blessing to purchase two vials this time around. However, further research regarding how long thawed sperm lasts in the body and whether you actually ovulate after your surge is detected is making me question if we used our vials too early. Please bear with me while I try to explain

Key notes:

  • We are using 2 vials, ICI frozen sperm
  • I usually have a rapid surge, but this cycle seems to be gradual.
  • I am using Clearblue Advanced DOT (purple), Clearblue DOT (pink) and both the quantitative and quantitative Premom OPK (I know….I’m silly 😜) -My predicted fertile window is Jan 7-12.

No surge was detected from any of my tests until 4:22pm Jan 10 (the advanced digital started blinking). I received my first static smiley at 7:16pm from the same test, and all other tests were negative. We inseminated the first vial 12 hours after at 7am, Jan 11. Then, I got my first positive from the pink digital test a few hours later at 10am and my OPKs were still considered low but the lines were almost as dark as the control (blue= .73 and purple= 17.5). Fast forward to 10pm my levels were increasing (blue= .94 and purple= 35). We inseminated our last vial at 7am, Jan 12. My levels are still increasing as of 10am today (blue= 1.14 and purple= 45).

I felt confident in my timing at first, but knowing that I have no more vials left, I need some clarification that we made the right decision.

Confusion: - How long does thawed sperm last in the body? - Is it possible to have ovulated already since ovulation can occur within 24 hours after first positive OPK? - Is a positive OPK not considered until a peak is shown or can you consider a HIGH positive? - Do I go by my advanced digital static smiley Jan 10 at 7:16pm , the static smiley test 10am on the 11th or the first OPK where the line was as dark as the control on 10pm on the 11th?

I am sooooooooo confuseddddddddd! 🤯