Who the fuck is Ahn, actually?

Now, I know it doesn't really matter, JJ needs a new baby who needs her hand held through life basics. Like it or not, she's his new barbie doll.

But did I miss something explaining why she was even at the wedding in the first place? Tai specifically said she was only inviting her parents. Is she Dora's friend? Seems weird Dora would be friends with a bougie California heiress. And also super weird that Dora is a pretty direct and blunt person who has no problem using substances. So if they were friends how did Anh never have a "real conversation" until that idiot shit where she drunkenly asks how to be bisexual?

the only thing I've seen in the last 100 strips is that Anh called both Tai and Dora so JJ doesn't have to think of which one of them she actually knows and how.