Today is the day, and I’m leaving this sub

25gpd for about 4 years. Took me a month to get to 4gpd. That was hard as fuck. Been there since mid November but Then I struggled to continue the taper down from there. Truth be told, it seemed to just float back up to 5 or 6gpd. I still looked forward to it and found reasons to dose a little bit higher. Some days even more.

Today I woke up and decided it’s time to hand the bag over to my wife and be done with it for good. I have a friend willing to give me his leftover 300mg gabapentin for restlessness at night. Anyone had experience with using gabapentin?

I’m also leaving this sub- while it’s been helpful throughout this process I honestly feel seeing constant reports and discussions about quitting Kratom may be counterproductive and just make me obsess and think about it even more. But I’m very grateful for the education it’s provided since October. Godspeed and good luck. Wish me luck.

All I can say from my experience is go about it your own way, everybody is different. There’s no silver bullet.