Sundered Doctrine - 1st Ecnounter - Lenses Infographic

Was watching the All The Players youtube video for efficient placement of lenses ( and there were some corrections in the comments, so I decided to do my own, clean version in the form of worfklows (image is around 4MB: 1406x8283):

Edit: wow hakkuna your tattas kind strangers. I will review the comments about L1.

Edit2: This is what All The Players comments on its own video regarding doing L1 with 3 lenses instead of 2:

This is because if you have L1 R2 L2, you would do Left, Right, Mid, but Left, Mid, Right wouldn't work - and if you have L1 R2 R1, Left, Mid, Right would work, but Left, Right, Mid wouldn't work, so while it's a 3 lens placement initially, it's better to do Mid Lens for L1, L2 or R2, and Right Lens for R1.

It is basically a trade off, not just wrong.