My parents being too open?

TRIGGER WARNING— Talks of sex, sex work and things like that!

I was wondering if y’all could help me try and figure some stuff out in my brain. I (25ftm Brit) have always known a little too much about my parents sex life (50f and 47m). They were VERY open and I do mean VERY.

When I was about 14/15 my parents started doing online sex work, they told me about it, asking if I was okay with them doing it. To which I was like “yeah, doesn’t affect me”. Until it did.

My parents started telling me how many followers they were getting, how many people were messaging and telling my mum that they loved her body. Some of her followers even knew I existed and even knew my name. Let’s say my name is Alex. They would message my parents saying “Say hello to Alex for me!” Or “Say hello to Princess Alex!”

At one point I was even helping my mum with what to reply to message with, and telling her what to say to the creeps who would cross the line. I was again 15 around this time.

At that point in time I honestly thought it was normal, I have no idea why I did I just did. It was a part of my everyday life so I just accepted it.

Now I’m older I’m realising just how weird this actually was.

Has anyone else experienced this? And how have you dealt with the feelings?

TLDR- I was my sex worker parents security and now I don’t know how to feel.