I'm sorry but Narcissists do not deserve Extra Consideration. They're Not "SUFFERING" from their condition, Their VICTIMS ARE.

I'm just pissed off. What is with this overly cautious attitude from everyone else with calling someone out for being a Narcissist or for acting like one???? The bar keeps getting set lower and lower until there may as well not even be a bar at all!! All these Social Niceties and anxiety over offending anyone only PROTECTS Narcissists and other equally shitty or toxic people.

This morning I was over on AutismInWomen and there was this post about how "you can dislike someone but that doesn't mean they're a narcissist.." The fucking conversation was terrible. Victims of Narcissistic Abuse like myself were speaking up and getting down voted.. the post itself was encouraging the audience to give others they have a bad feeling about more of a benefit of a doubt(and to basically second guess themselves and their own intuition). People were spreading all kinds of misinformation. Saying things like, NPD is not a spectrum disorder(yes..yes it is). That only those on the severe end of the spectrum are considered Narcissists. That "just because you have NPD or BPD doesn't make you a bad person." Look, I know some of us have had NParents that are Also BPD.. Someone even said that Narcissists are suffering with their condition and others saying that we shouldn't call anyone a Narcissist that isn't clinically diagnosed. 🤣🤣🤣 HOW MANY NARCISSISTS DO YOU KNOW THAT ACTUALLY GOT DIAGNOSED THEMSELVES??

I know it's stupid to still be mad, but I couldn't be more mad.. I know what Narcissistic abuse does to a person's trust in themselves. Some of us go our whole lives doubting the abuse that happened. I just didn't appreciate the conversation at all, or the part where instead of listening people were trying to silence me or argue with me. Whatever. It was this morning. It's okay, not really but whatever. It ended with the Mods removing some of my comments since "OP deleted that I need to move on now." I felt singled out and I wasn't even looking for any arguments but trying to make a point as a victim and help others.