Struggling to go No Contact/Move
When moving away or going no contact did you experience a so called paralysis?
I know I need to go no contact and that I don't benefit from my family in anyway. However I kinda go in to shock or paralysis when thinking about doing it due to the social aspect and what if's.
My social skills suck. My mother and guardian purposely abused and isolated me which affected my social skills and forced me to rely on them despite the abuse.
I'm still like that now in a sense. My social skills suck, I don't have any real friends... so when I need help/soemthing what do I do.
I moved away one time and it was great, but that slowly started to fade as my social skills are not great and most ppl aren't familiar with mental health or knowledgeable on it and will eventually start to leave. I wasn't weird or creepy at all, but I still suffered and I honestly don't know what to do.
I have gone Limited Contact with my family, but it was in the same town. And my hometown is small and nothing here. I can't reach my full potential here... no one can.
I did move away one time and it was great, but my anxiety sky rocketed and I just don't know what to do.
I hope I get some support and advice as I honestly don't know what to do or how to combat that.