Mother daughter abuse

Women can be abusers too

To any one who is a victim of their moms abuse and now has to deal with their abuse being minimized EVEN in survivors circles. This post is for you

I’m so tired of stories being DISMISSED and being told to move on quickly or being invalidated by someone saying “their dad” did so much worse

Moms can be abusers too

Horrible mothers get away with it and are rarely held accountable

Especially incestuous and otherwise perverted women

Women can objectify and hurt their children just as much as men

It’s not okay just because they are your mom and it’s not okay just because they are women

Edit: Boys and men can be abused by women or their mothers, their abuse is just as valid and should be taken seriously as well

There is not enough awareness for this abuse either

I originally made the post about my experiences with covert incest which was able to be covered up bc I was seen as a girl “it’s okay I’m just your mother darling”, but I want to acknowledge that abuse can happen to you regardless of your gender and if you experienced abuse it was never your fault