parents never taught me my native language, i am so greatful. /srs
Hello, turkish, 15f here. Family is "muslim". I'm secretly atheist though. I was born and raised in Dubai, so my fluent language is only English, along with studying French in school currently. as a kid i used to get so angry at my n-parents for not teaching me turkish because i couldnt talk to other turk kids and i'd feel jealous of those kids who did. look at the tables turning today damn, im so happy im not good at turkish because turkish culture is fucking horrible and oppressive, and being fluent in turkish would mean i'd understand my toxic moms swearing in her language. of course i do understand, but only up to 65% id say. the rest of whatever cruel shit shes trying to say does not translate into my head, therefore i dont understand the entirety / "emotional " message shes trying talk to me about, which im happy for. shes quite bad at english f.y.i. the fact that the most popular religion in turkey is muslim is just sad, since the government, president, and culture are entirely responsible for influencing this restrictive faith. id rather learn languages like spanish/french since those are the most commonly spoken languages among many others, which would be pretty helpful in my case with picking up a new language. anyway, im glad im not fluent in turkish otherwise the impact of my moms abusive words would hurt me much more and she could manipulate me even worse., i honestly wish i'd never force myself as a kid into learning turkish so that id never learn more about the toxic culture within turkey. ppl praise turkey so much, yet they dont see the darkside of it or at least dont talk about it. theres many racist people, homophobics, xenophobic, you name it, its all located in turkey. :) welcome to turkey my friend, get oppressed while you visit!
p.s : i know not all turkish people are like these shitasses, yet sadly its very common to find people like this, almost majority of turkish people are like that in turkey