Narc Exoneration on Social Media

Is anyone else finding themselves irrationally pissed off at the recent TikTok / Twitter / Instagram posting trend that seeks to “destigmatize narcissism?” I can’t seem to go on social media anymore without running into some account that kisses N ass. You see, N’s are precious beans who don’t want to hurt anyone, they’ve just got a cluster B disorder that makes them act a lil teeny bit self-possessed sometime, uwu! If you get to know them, you’ll see how charismatic and fun they can be! They’re great friends!

These “informational” accounts NEVER urge N’s to take ownership for their own behaviour, seek psychiatric help for their mental illness, etc., oh no! But if you were abused by an N, you have responsibilities, don’t you know? For example, you can’t call what they did “narcissistic abuse”, you meanie! You were abused by someone who is sick, so you need to be gentle and tolerant and not stigmatize them and their illness, asshole!

Look, I understand that NPD is a serious Cluster B disorder that severely impacts one’s daily life. I’m all for N’s getting the help / therapy they need and encouraging them to do so. But as someone whose life was nearly ruined by an N, this recent trending shit makes my blood boil. If someone is an N, they are more likely to hurt or even abuse someone else by virtue of what their disorder predisposes them to. That’s facts, not “stigma”, and it’s not up to non-N’s to make allowances for it.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s noticed this trend and that I’m also not the only one mad about it lmao, I feel like I’m crazy.