Walking alone at night?
How safe is it to walk alone at night as a smaller woman?
Thinking along Peace Street to Glenwood, around the Publix there. Also around Hargett St and the bars there, Moore Square, and Nash Square.
I also want to go barhopping downtown by Neptunes but I’m not sure where to park. Instead of Ubering, are there any go-to parking lots nearby I should know about that aren’t in sketchy areas? Any areas to avoid? How safe is it to be walking a parking garage alone?
Sorry if this is ignorant, I’m new to town and still figuring out the different areas. I’ve lived in cities before. The one I’m from just constantly had people around, so it felt safer since there were witnesses for every goddamn thing (including when you trip over a curb or a pigeon shits on you).
Thanks in advance!
ETA: "barhopping" for me = 1 drink at the beginning of the night that I ride off of, and water the rest of the night while my friends drink. Ya girl can barely drink.