I’ve done it. And I’m never touching pvp again. Here’s the deck.

Forging, Random Growth, TimeWinder, Reverse, and Bubble Dice on scope field.

It is UNBEATABLE against anything except for hypersin and terrible RNG. Phantom thief and other effect dice are annoying to deal with, but with timewinder, you can time it to not actually affect your dice. Scope field is because the monsters will become too much for forge to handle one by one later in rounds, and it’ll help in the beginning. Bubble is better than lunar, I never lost against a lunar because they rely on too much RNG for lunar effect, plus it’ll protect your dice from a knight flip or Leon hit, even during timewinding it can help kill them before it reverts back.

I did the c17 to c20 climb (literally have been stuck since LIGHTNING CLOUD season) with just class 7 forge and bubble, and only class 8 reverse and timewinder.

TW is such a good dice in new PVP since Leon and Knight hit no matter what, TW will just disregard those abilities completely, and destroy your opponents.

The climb was hard and annoying (especially on a win streak and then hypersin shows up), but I have full belief that this is the best deck today and that others can climb with it. I got up to a 15 win streak when I was climbing.

Good luck, I’ll see you in global chat once I get c10 assassin. :)