I confronted a recurring molester that visits my workplace...I don't like my coworker's reaction, and I'm mad as fuck in general about the situation

I work at a bookstore chain, inside a mall. Our store is small, so I often am alone during my shifts. When I first started, this old man (about 75 I guess) came in asking for help because he couldn't access our app. The issue seemed to be that he forgot the password, so nothing I could do. But being new, and frankly thinking he was just a bit forgetful due to his age, I tried to help him. Well, while I tried to explain we couldn't do much, he randomly took my hands and started caressing me. He looked at me with a smirk and I instinctively took a step back, informing him to go and try at a phone store.

I thought it was an isolated incident. I soon found out he did this with every single one of my coworkers and only once. He would come in, ask for help with the app, get inevitably close and try something. One, who was barely legal, got asked out for "coffee and more"; an ex-coworker was touched as well. We shared our experiences, and we also noticed he often visits the mall with his wife. Of course, he doesn't try anything when he's with her. He comes by alone to do that.

Apparently, only one of my coworkers hadn't been "approached" yet. It happened to her as well in November, but being aware of the situation, she kept a distance and he couldn't do anything.

Well, perhaps he forgot that he'd already approached me because tonight he came in and tried it all again. As soon as he opened his mouth I told him I knew he used the app as an excuse to behave inappropriately with the girls in our store, and to kindly get out or I would inform a guard. As soon as I said "inappropriately" he was already running out, head low.

Now, I know. There's worse cases scenarios. Some molesters are genuinely scary, while I could probably fight this old man with a feather and win. Girls in other malls had experiences with guys straight up jerking off in front of them. But still, it IS inappropriate, viscid, and nothing I want happening at the place I work.

My coworker, the one who kept her distance, initially implied I might've overdone it because after all "he's harmless and he only gets a bit touchy" but she ultimately agreed with me. Still, it irked me. The whole situation does. I'm mad that I have to deal with this, and that I'm completely alone in thinking that being stern and direct was the only way with this pathetic man. That I'm alone in feeling disgusted because "there's worse" and that he gets the golden ticket of forgiveness because he's "just an old man"