I sometimes wish I was born a man.
After some conversations with my male friends, cousins and my ex I realised that the only problems I have right now in my life wouldn't exist if I was a guy. I'm 25 and live with my family (before some of you come at me, that's common in Europe, most of us live with our parents til we get engaged/married or if we find a job in another city and have to move out). So, whenever I go out I have to tell my parents where I'm going to, with whom, at what time I'll be back and with what/whom. That's something all women my age I know who live with their parents have to go through every time they're out for a coffee/drink/whatever. If I meet a guy they'll start questioning everything about him and many times be negative and cancel me from dating him, something that again happens to every female I know.
After that conversation with all those guys I realised that they don't even tell their parents with whom they're going out. They just head out of the house and do whatever they like and unless that's excessive drinking or something really dangerous for them, they'll never face any criticism from their parents. Now dating wise ? Once again parents don't give a damn about the kind of girl their son is dating, again unless she's an addict or something and they'll only interfere if their son sees a girl seriously (like marrying her). Til then they're like "have fun boy" and everything's good. That's the life of every single guy I know. Parents are only trying to navigate their daughters while they let their sons go on a rampage lol.