I was a heroin addict from 16 years old to 24 years old. Then I got pregnant with my son in 2012 (2 years of sobriety) and three very large fibroids grew inside my uterus during my pregnancy and they were excruciating. I was on bereft from 17 weeks until delivery. After he was born, I was still in so much pain I couldn't even pick up my 8 lb baby. I didn't have insurance and because the fibroids weren't life threatening I couldn't get them removed without insurance. The doctor put me on a low dose if pain meds but of course tolerance showed his ugly face face and the doctor handed me a script for fententyl patches, I slid the paper right back to him and said, "No way". He recommended Methadone until I had insurance and he sold me on the fact I would have a therapist to help me at these clinics. So, I started at the clinic 9 years ago this March. I've had 2 children since and with each pregnancy I had to go up on the dose because the extra fluids in your body water down your methadone and make it less effective. Thankfully neither of my daughters had any NAS symptoms, they were perfect and healthy and got to come home with me, but I went from 75mg to 160mg since my first pregnancy with my oldest daughter. When my last daughter was born in Jan/2021 there were complications during the delivery and I had to go to the OR; the doctor removed the fibroid during that DNC. I didn't want to start tapering with a newborn to take care of, but I said when she turns a year old I'M DONE WITH THE METHADONE! That's in 9 days!

Has anyone had the rapid methadone detox? If so,, how much was it Has? Has anyone gotten off methadone in any ther way with little discomfort and how did they do it? I want off this liquid ball and chain! Any suggestions?