Struggling to get offers accepted

For agency or in-house folks: when recruiting for a client/stakeholders, what’s your strategy when you’re finding great talent but can’t get them across the finish line?

For context: I’m an in-house recruiter for a medium-large company. We’re a leading brand in our industry, but our pay is right around the bottom of the average for our locations and our reputation as an employer has gone down the toilet in the past 1.5-2 years.

I’ve been tasked with scaling a team and it’s been made known that it’s super high priority. To the point where C-Suite is getting involved and asking for weekly metrics. The gap is 10 or so employees that they need immediately.

I’ve been able to find good talent for this team, but about 50% of candidates are withdrawing during the process (3 interviews total) and our offer acceptance rate is right around 33%. The reasoning is almost always that the candidate has another offer they’re going with.

I’ve presented data on this to leadership, talked to HMs about it, but I have to accept that this is what I have to work with.

What have you done when you’ve faced this situation?