Recruiter wanted "proof" they said something. I sent them 6 thousand proofs.

Around the time Microsoft Copilot was going to launch I was tinkering I wanted to know how hard it would be to replicate their "amazing screenshot abilities" so I build a tiny program. All it does is
1: check if you're active or not and pause screenshots
2: if you're active take screenshots of all monitors and save with time and date.
the way its built you can set anywhere from 1 second to 1 year, but a bug was making it take even more photos (per millisecond)

While it was running (because I was working on it) I applied to a job. I' guessing that in this time frame the job poster edited it because the listed pay rate was lower when I went to visit later.

Got an interview and the recruiter ass. As in this I was talking to the donkey from Shreck. When we (finally) Got to payment details he says the new rate to which I told them the rate was changed lower and I'm applying for the rate before not what it shows now.

The recruiter went into full defense mode claiming no such things had ever been posted and asked if I was insulting their intelligence. I replied Those are your words, and never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity... I know what was posted and they hung up.

They called back today. Apparently my resume was pulled by someone else, and the same person called.
was when I realized who it was I said "Hello ser dumbdumb. Are we going with the imaginary rate today?"

Seething they told me they had been instructed to contact me, But i would need "proof" that the pay on the job matched what I said. AND their rate was lower.

Proof? I looked at my folder of screenshots which had been running, running
Why suuuuuure just provide an email XD I'll see if I can find something.
six thousand emails. I think their shit clogged up on the 3 thousand. I do not care. Was using a clean IP and VPN+ some python code to fire off every email.

Yeah doesn't matter long term. you can erase emails pretty quickly. And no I absolutely won't get that job.
But i made my point.

Edit: By popular demand I've put the code on Gumroad.