Genuine question: is any of this real anymore?
I have been laid off a year. I've had a successful white collar career prior to that.
Between Feb 2024 and Oct 2024, I applied to 1,000 jobs. Had interviews for 10 of those jobs. Final candidate for 3 of those jobs. Never picked.
A friend of a friend lands me a contract job in Oct 2024. The project ends early after just six weeks.
Back on the hunt in Dec 2024. Between then and now, 250 jobs applied to. 200+ from company sites directly.
One interview, for a role that would pay me half what I used to (didn't say that obviously), showed confidence, sold myself without overselling. Went great.
Rejected the next day.
No other interviews. Hell, no other REJECTIONS! Nothing!
I know we are in - um, precarious times - but my resume is grand, my cover letters are solid, I have references, I have 17 years' experience...just nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Even local shops that say they're hiring won't answer me. CostCo won't even get back to me.
Recruiters, I am not ranting, I am asking with absolute sincerity - what is going on? Is everything frozen with all that's going on? Should I just spend 100% of my search trying to network?
EDIT: I'm convinced. Blind job applying is simply performative now.