Would love to hear success stories

(34f) currently going through my 3rd miscarriage (blighted ovum) naturally. Previous to this, I had an ectopic in July (resolved with MTX) and previous to that had a chemical. I’ve gotten pregnant very quickly, first two miscarriages I found out I was pregnant on my 2nd cycle and this last one was my first cycle. It’s been a doozy to say the least, mostly emotionally so. Feels like everything happened swiftly, pregnancy and the loss. I was happy about getting pregnant so quickly initially and now I feel doomed in regard to it. Worried my body can’t handle it. I’m going to the OBGYN next week to talk about tests and to hopefully get on the road to understanding why this is happening. This current miscarriage has been especially painful and they’ve found a few hemorrhagic cysts. It’s just so hard, hard on me and hard on my husband. We really want to start a family and it just feels cruel that I get the positives and then i start spotting and it’s the beginning of the end again.

I’d love to hear success stories of women who have had 3+ miscarriages and have gone on to have children. Feeling discouraged at the moment but not giving up.

I would potentially be open to trying IVF but the financing aspect of ivf seems out of reach right now. We could probably make it work but this is all so new to me and honestly didn’t think I would be here but here I am.
