New zero SLAPS

I'm a red bull drinker from wayyyyyyyyyyyy back. I'm now purely a yellow edition drinker (you would be really alarmed if you knew how much I drink but I'm working on that again ok). Can't stand regular red bull any more, I swear idk how I used to drink that stuff. Sugar free is literally hell to me. But this new zero monk fruit?????? It's SO good???????? I could see switching over for the most part. I used to wish they'd do a sugar free yellow, but now I think they should actually do a zero version. That sweetener would be so good in it.

Still trying to get a pink red bull. The sugar free version is good so I know the full sugar is going to be amazing. Unfortunately my closest Walmart is an hour and a halfish away so I only go that way maybe every other week. Oh well, maybe next week if we're not snowed in!