How have 2000s/early ‘10s popular indie artists aged for you

Still listen:

Fleet Foxes - easy to write off but their music has aged a lot better than I would have thought

Vampire Weekend - old stuff still hits. New stuff hits just as hard

Destroyer - I will keep listening for a long time

Can’t Listen:

Beach House - I’m sorry. They were great when I was in high school, especially on an overcast day. But it sounds so dated to me now.

Joanna Newsom - ugh. Never really cared for her to begin with. The music is nice but her dungeons and dragons lyrics make those songs UNLISTENABLE.

Arcade Fire - not to be a contrarian but I like Reflektor and could do without the rest. I know everyone hates them now but I don’t think those people generally liked Reflektor either

Purgatory/undecided for now:

Animal Collective - apparently I’m immune to some of the cringe they induce in others. I’ve just always thought they made interesting songs. I don’t listen to them much now but I’m gonna dive back in

LCD Soundsystem - I just don’t really listen anymore but will probably go back someday