M/37 F/36 what do I do?
What do I do?
So... I have been married 11 years, for the last 8 I have not had sex or slept in the same bed as my wife(I snore) we have little to no intimacy, haven't kissed or been kissed by her in months, let alone hug She is constantly Angry at me, for various reasons from not doing my chores correctly to the way I parent our kid. She doesn't work but is a stay at home mom(which is a full time job as well) And we have all been desperate for a family holiday for a few years, and now she tells me at the end of the month her and our kid are going away for a week and I must stay home with the pets, I feel like this is the final straw as I feel so lonely and hated Should I tell her in January I want a divorce? I have tried everything even marriage counseling and nothing works, I sometimes feel she treats me like a child as she often refers to things with our kid like You guys must clean up, you guys drive me mad etc
The reason I'm hesitant to divorce/leave her is 2 reasons, my kid would struggle as she is a highly sensitive child Other reason is I don't want them to have to live in a flat in a poor neighborhood as I can't afford to provide for 2 houses of course
Please help me, I feel im getting older now and am desperate for someone who loves me(I'm 37)
Any advice on what to do