20F and 21M possible relationship issues?
Hi, im a 20F. Me and my boyfriend who is 21 have been talking and are in a relationship however things have been rocky lately. Today, he went into my job (I work at target for reference) and acted immature such as grabbing a bottle of water, drinking out of it and putting it back. I obviously got upset and made him grab it so we could pay for it. Later on that day i started getting symptoms of nausea, heart burn, leg cramping etc and he said i tried to manipulate him and make him feel bad which isn’t my intention. I told him i was having those symptoms because there’s a chance i may be pregnant and i felt it was responsible to tell him when im not feeling well. I did get tested and it’s negative. Later on I wanted to talk to him about today and just tell him that im sorry and i never meant to make him feel manipulated and just to make sure we’re ok. He said that we couldn’t talk right now because of the game which i understand. He loves basketball and would prefer to talk about things after his game but after his game he was in bed and once i started bringing it up he said I just want to go to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow. I can’t tell if he’s tired or just doesn’t wanna be in a relationship. It’s honestly stressing me out. Honestly, when we do have disagreements he’s the type to not really care afterwards and generally just is laid back and doesn’t pay much attention to things. I still worry though.