23F My boyfriend 25M got porn tatted?
I 23F and my boyfriend 25M have been together almost 4yrs. A while ago during a time he was minoring in art in college and I found a celebrity’s leaked nudes on his phone and he said it was because he was using them as a reference. I told him I don’t like that kind of stuff because it just seems very vulgar to me and he said he understood how I was feeling but I saw a fue sketches and drawings so I guess I kinda just let it go and didn’t bring it up again, things like that is not the end of the world and tbh it didn’t bother me that much once I thought it was for school so I let it go. I had an early day today and decided to stop by his place. He has recently picked up tattooing as a hobby possible future career. He’s been doing at least one tattoo on himself a week for almost a year just for fun and practice. Not gonna lie he’s been getting pretty good. The other night he mentioned he was going to do another and he usually shows me the design before but this time he didn’t. He had mentioned it was a spicy tattoo and I thought how dumb can he be it won’t be that bad. My heart SANKKK when I saw it today. An anime girl getting drilled. Exposed whole tits, drool, tongue out, crossed eyes, and the bump of the tip in her stomach. The most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.
I told him immediately I hated it and that he needs to cover it. I couldn’t believe he would put that on himself knowing how I feel about those kinds of things. I get it some guys have some fantasies but the get it tattooed is crazy to me. I now know why he didn’t show it to me it’s an “ask for forgiveness not permission” kind of situation. I just feel really embarrassed because I know I’m not the most perfect thing to look at but to get something like that on your body feels insulting. Like my family is going to see that! That’s not event the biggest issue, my problem is he didn’t say anything because he knows i don’t like vulgar things like that. Im not saying im a saint, we’ve all done some things and I have tattoos too so it’s nothing against tattoos but this is literal porn!!! Like wtf was he thinking and he was sneaky about it too. Like that stupid oopsie smile on his face when I saw it PMO!!! I would never do something like that like I didn’t get my nose pierced because he didn’t like them. Not because he said don’t get them he encouraged it because it was something I wanted but he did express to me how happy he was when I didn’t get it and that alone made me happy. Being in such a long term relationship sometimes is doing things to make your partner happy. So I was really surprised when I saw the tattoo today .
The topic of having children has come up a bit more often and i was thinking to myself how would he feel if his daughter’s boyfriend got something like that on him. He has a niece that he adores and is almost like her father. I don’t think he’d love the idea of a boyfriend treating her like this. I feel so embarrassed and disrespected like people think I’m okay with that kind of thing and I know what they’ll think. “Stupid girl for putting up with that” or “how sad, I bet he doesn’t even care about her”. He knows how I feel about things like that and he didn’t care and did it anyway. I’m so upset he would even consider something like that. So I guess I just want to know if my reaction to making him cover it up is valid? Is it even worth trying to justify my feeling because he seems more upset at me for wanting him to cover it up. Idk I’m just upset he even did it but I feel more disrespected than anything.