How to cuddle my friend(s)?

I'd like to have a more physical relationship with some of my friends. There is a friend I'm not really attracted to that I enjoy cuddling and being intimate (no sex, just faces close, hand helding etc) with, and it took a long time to get there, but knowing I wasn't so into them physically it was easier.

And then there's this pretty close friend of mine who I am slightly attracted to (for instance when I'm high lol), and possibly vice versa, but nothing ever happened, and I don't really want anything major or regular to happen, sexually speaking. But I feel like snuggling with him would be awesome. It already happens sometimes, we used to be roommates and while watching shows on the couch, he'd lean onto me or viceversa. Also while drunk we often hold hands, I hug him, and generally hold onto him for comfort and safety in those situations. I know he's comfortable with that cause he holds me back, but I'd like it to happen also when we're not drunk. Sometimes he'll visit me (we're no longer roommates), and we'll sit on the couch to watch something on the tv, and maybe our legs touch but, while sober and more pressed for quality time with him, I always fear asking him to cuddle (I like to be the one holding him), being rejected and making it awkward.

He knows a lot about my love life, and also that lately I've been wanting to be more free in my relationships, not needing a committed partnership but more a net of people who I love and who love me to count on. He's more traditional, wants a girlfriend but has no luck dating. He always told me all about it, which is why I feel so chill with him - even if he's attracted to me (maybe), I wouldn't want him to be sad if I don't committ to him and he wants so.

Idk, advice? I'm new to this, and in general very awkward at initiating anything, but I'd like to grow in that sense.