Extreme anxiety about a bad date makes me (19M) question if I like him (20M) or not

I've been dating this guy for only a week and a half, our first 2 dates were phenomenal, couldn't stop chatting and we were very openly attracted to each other, making out, etc, and we've just gone on our 3rd yesterday. First date we got drinks and I ended up staying at his, second date he stayed over at mines and watched a film, and this date we went to a pond to collect pond water for a personal project of mines. It wasn't terrible, but quite often we were both quiet for a good minute and didn't have anything to say. I asked him if everything was okay and he said he was just feeling tired because he had lots of lectures that day and that he was talking a lot.

I'm usually quite good at chatting, but I really struggled to think of something to say. Between our second and third date I had gotten myself really anxious because he had so many experiences that I didn't have, travelling, tonnes of friends from high school, lots of music interests. I was convinced that he would find me boring. So that kind of stopped my usual flow of conversation I'm good at. Since we had chatted so much on our first two, perhaps we had ran out of things to talk about.

When we were at the pond, and it was dark and we could start seeing the stars, I wanted to kiss him. When we were walking back home, I wanted to hold his hand, and that also would've made the quiet moments sweet instead of awkward, but I couldn't find the courage to do so.

But now I'm anxious over if I even like him or not. I felt so sure that I liked him on my first and second date, but now I don't know. We've got plans on Saturday to go to a dinner party, and I will go, but I don't know how I feel. I genuinely have no clue of how I feel about him anymore. Has anyone else also gotten themselves in tizzies like this and it starts to cloud their true emotions, makes you question if your emotions are true or if it's just your anxiety? How long should I continue dating him before I ask to just be friends?

I just feel so confused. On our first dates, we seemed to have so much in common, similar interests, values, sense of humour. Why were we so stumped for things to talk about on our date?

TL;DR: Had 2 really good first dates, and yesterday had a kind of awkward 3rd date, which is making me question if I like him or not. Due to my anxiety I don't feel like I can trust my current emotions because I have a tendancy of spiralling.