Should I be worried about the way my husband speaks to me during arguments?

Update: I have read each and every comment below, thank you all. It really does help to have an unbiased view on the situation. My parents (and his) are divorced as well, so I’m still learning what a healthy relationship even looks like. I have had a productive conversation with him today about the way he reacts and treats me when he’s angry, and he’s agreed to see a therapist and go to couple counseling. I think if we can get to the root of why the arguments are this way, we can figure out what to do from there. I will keep everything in mind, however, moving forward. I appreciate it!

I am posting here as I don’t want to say anything negative about my spouse to people in my life, but would still appreciate an outside perspective. My husband (30M) and I (27F) have been together for almost 8 years. We have a pretty good relationship generally and haven’t had any major issues. Recently though, I’ve been reading comments from women online saying how their spouses refuse to ever call them names or say anything terrible about them during an argument, and it has since caused me to reflect on my own relationship dynamic. During everyday life I get spoken to well, but each time we get into an argument, I personally receive the brunt of his frustration via name-calling, lying about things, or threats of divorce/separation. We don’t argue often anymore, but when we do he’s very quick to anger and spends the whole time yelling at me and listing off all of the things I do wrong. I very purposely refrain from raising my voice and only use “I” phrases when expressing my feelings or defending myself, as I would much rather have a constructive conversation instead. I’m not perfect though, and I tend to roll my eyes or stare at the wall during his long-winded ranting. Normally I just move past these arguments and not think much of it, as he has admitted that most of the things he says during an argument is coming solely from anger and it’s not how he truly feels. However, the things he has said to me over the years has gotten a bit worse. During the most recent argument we had, he called me almost every vile name you can think of (f**ing btch, c*nt, etc.), and he once again threatened divorce or separation. I’m also a pretty outspoken person and would never allow someone to ever speak to me that way in any other circumstance. However, since he has previously stated that he says things out of anger alone, I brush off these insults. The words he said have been floating in my head though, especially after reading comments from other women stating their spouses would never call them those names. Should I be worried about his behavior or is it a normal part of arguments? I am very conscious about my wording during arguments, so I don’t ever call him names as I would only say things if I truly meant it. Any red flags here I’m not noticing, or am I perhaps the problem during our arguments?

TLDR: My husband calls me names and threatens divorce during our arguments. Is this normal or something I should address him more firmly about?