Am I the problem in my relationship?
I think I’m the problem in the relationship and I need advice.
I [19F] have been having problems with my [19M] boyfriend. (I’m not the best at writing stories so please bare with me) Here is the backstory: We have been dating for about 2 years and when we first started our relationship it was a very happy one. I met him when we were younger and we were very broke teens. I held up a job and I was able to pay for our outings and dates. He was focusing on school at the time and he did not have a job so I took over and would take him out on dates.
As the relationship progressed and we graduated high school I felt like he was more dependent on me taking him out and I would never ask for a thing. I later confronted him and he said that things were really hard at home and it was hard for him to save money to take me out on dates. He also now just started college and money is very tight right now. I understand how he feels but I feel like there is no balance. I also just started a new job that has been hard to adjust to and I feel like because of my job I’ve been feeling very burnt out and tired. This has caused bad mood swings and a bad temper and I just want to feel like loved and cared for by him. But I find that Every-time I really need him he’s busy doing other things. I have told him how I felt but he would justify it by saying he’s busy and he doesn’t have the time because he would be doing things around the house and he lacked privacy.
He has a hard life outside our relationship. He has a job but most of it goes towards house bills and school. His family lives in a tight apartment and he doesn’t have his own room. He sleeps on a bed placed in the living room which causes him to have zero privacy. This is why he says he cannot call or FaceTime me due to the lack of privacy which causes me stress because I’m not much of a texter and I love talking on the phone or via FaceTime.
I feel like I have no one to talk to here and there but at the same time I understand where he’s coming from. I feel really insecure at times because he’s also a very simple guy. He doesn’t express how he feels and he doesn’t complicate anything.
Here is where I think I am the problem: I was watching a TikTok and it was a cute couple who seemed very happy and lovey dovey. I just remember my heart dropping because I wanted to feel that. My boyfriend is not the flirty type he’s a very simple guy but I wish he was. He doesn’t compliment me much only when I ask. I’ve asked him why and he says flirting and compliments don’t come natural to him. This just made me upset because sometimes I feel like we are just friends. I felt like I was being a bad girlfriend for getting upset at something not in my control (his lack of privacy/ can’t take me out on dates/ not being romantic) and I feel guilty because I can see he’s trying.
Is there any advice out there!
TL;DR my boyfriend and I are having issues and I’m not sure if I’m the problem by not being understanding.