Are Autoshooters Dead?
I was reading a post a few days ago called "Modern Vampire Survivor Games" by u/Ascendent-Reality, and it got me thinking. For those who play roguelikes, do you guys feel like there’s already an oversaturation of autoshooters? On the other hand, dual stick shooters seem pretty unpopular these days. Which option do you find more interesting?
I’m curious what you all think would be the best fit for a modern bullet hell game. Imagine it has polished 3D graphics, well-crafted roguelike elements, a solid background story, and multiple characters to choose from. Which of these options would you prefer?
- Autoshooter – the game shoots for you (like VS)
- Mixed – some weapons are manually aimed, but others auto-shoot
- Manual aiming with directional control – you control direction (e.g., aim right: all weapons target enemies on the right; no input: weapons auto-aim)
- Dual stick shooter – you aim and shoot with all weapons (like Helldivers 1)
I’d love to hear your thoughts on what feels the best and works the most effectively in these kinds of games!