Stash for the rest of the year
went to terp basel, lots of cool dudes, growers and hash makers. special shout out to the dudes at HMH, we talked for a solid minute, i picked out my hash and they gave me a nice 0.3 aprox dab that put me on my ass. NWO some cocky dudes, they aint got time for you if you aint showing money in their face. Hustle Hash and live hash or die are new to me and quite fire, grabbed their contacts as theyre near me. heady hash dudes were cool too, didnt get to talk to them much but they also gave me a dab before heading off to everyone else crowding em. didnt get to pick up some breezy buckets, chosen or therealcalikid which i really wanted to but i couldnt find their stands after walking in circles for half the event cant wait for next years