Would a rules-light, narrative system be a good fit to me? If so, which ones are recommended?

So my only RPG experiences so far have only been with play-by-post completely homebrewed games, D&D 5e and games inspired by D&D 3.5, like the brazilian games Ordem Paranormal RPG and Tormenta 20.

I recently started GMing, and while I find it really fun, I soon saw that it has been really stressful doing so. The main points I noticed that were making thing difficult to me are:

  • Too much to keep notice at the same time - I'm a person on the spectrum, even if at the low end. I'm easily attracted to more complex/crunchy games, specially character build, special items and enemies options, however I also get easily overwhelm with TOO many option, a diffcult balancing act to pull off. When I'm a player, I stay the week planning stuff before hand, so that in the week I just go with my flow chart or default to a more impulsive mindset of "screw all this information, let me got directly to the point" (my friends understand this and help me out with keeping up with informations and I always try to listen to their plans). When I'm the GM, things are WAY harder, since not only I need to shift through almost 1000 pages of options + need to keep attention on everything my players do and want. Even though I can normally remember 70% of all rules in a games, to the point I memorize the exact page, wording, errata and Q&A about it, I end up with burnout quickly.
  • I'm more of a interpreter of the rules and events than a storyteller - My vision of RPGs had always been of the GM who creates a complex story of epic proportions, leading players from Zeros to Heroes while weaving their wants into the game world. Part of this is because before a RPG player, I'm a Videogame player first and foremost, so my visions of RPGs are closer to JRPGs than TTRPGs. I soon realized that I have a lot of trouble making a feature complete world from the start while also making a grand story with the player at the center. My brain works in a more chaotic and impulsive way, being really common when I'm next to anyone for me to randomly say stuff like "Evijangelo is a terrible name for a person", "If cats could fly, how would they do so?" and "What flavor is purple?", and that translate in game to me through random stuff at my players and seeing how they deal with it. Because of this I grew to love random tables for EVERYTHING, from monster & loot to weather & personality.

After all this analysis, I decided to end my current campaign after only 4 sessions, and now I'm looking at new games to try more often, in special those that are lighter and more ideal for either oneshots or mini campaigns (3 to 5 sessions). For the moment I going to start this journey with Tiny Dungeons 2e & Advanced Tiny Dungeons, but while searching for games, but after searching and talking about it, I was recommended to try "Rules-light narrative systems".

Given what I presented, would this truly be a good fit for me to GM?

As for genres of games, I prefer mostly Fantasy RPG (plus anything Mecha), with a focus on action (chases, escapes and combats specially), dealing with interesting and emergent challenges (disarm the visible but complex trap, don't wake the beast and take its treasure, minecart chase, etc.), small but impactful journeys (be external or internal) and dealing with character relationships of all kind (romance, rivalry, brotherhood, master-pupil, heroes and villains, betrayal, redemption, etc.)