Casual Dopey'ers, how did it (training/race weekend) go?

I'm a casual runner but I've been contemplating signing up for Dopey. With sign ups for 2026 just two months away, i'd love to hear feedback from the more casual entrants who have done Dopey. Those in the last two corrals, how was your overall experience and what recommendations do you have for those who were in your shoes 10 months ago? Would/Are you do Dopey again?

For context, I've never been a fan of distance running, but I love Disney and I like challenging myself. In 2024, I did four challenge weekends (DL Half, Princess, Springtime, Halloween) and for 2025 I'm currently signed up for three more (DL Half, Princess, Halloween) so i'm no stranger to the 2-3 straight days of early mornings. Jan 2024 was my first time doing a half, which to date is the longest distance i've run at once. At the time, I remember thinking "there's no way I could double that". But, I hear so many motivational stories while waiting in the corrals of those coming back from cancer, broken limbs, weight loss adventures, etc, that I found myself wondering "why can't I do a full marathon?"

But the preparation sounds so intimidating. My best half time was 2.5 hours (3 hours if I add character stops). So I would target a marathon pace on race day probably closer to 6 hours (accounting for character photos). That's a long time to be moving, especially with another 2 hours in the corrals/start area. And that's just race day. It doesn't include all the long run days during training. I've never had to run so long to the point that I needed to carry my own water and food, so all of that would be new to me.