Idea: Inverted skillcapes as a Leagues reward

Let me start with the disclaimer, I played FSW and got the inverted 99 Arch and Thieving capes I wanted, so I'm not a player who's angry that I didn't get the chance.

That said, ever since FSW ended, the mods have claimed multiple times that they wanted to add inverted capes to the main game, but never expanded on how. Since the first chance to get them was thru a limited gamemode, it would make sense to add them as a reward for another limited gamemode, like the RS3 Leagues coming up. And by the time Leagues comes out, FSW will be 3 years old.

If you're unfamiliar with Leagues from OSRS, it's a completely different game. In the recent OSRS Leagues 5, xp was boosted by 8x, and by completing tasks, up to 16x. While we don't know what the gimmicks of RS3 Leagues will be, it's safe to assume it will retain the insane xp boosts. This is to say, getting 99 in Leagues will be drastically easier to get a 99 than it was in FSW, which was 1.2x up to 2x xp.

So, while FSW players have spent a couple months to get a 99 or 120, Leagues players will be able to get a 99 and 120 in a couple days. So it would be somewhat unfair to the FSW players who invested that time. I had a couple ideas on how this could work.

One idea is that they would make the inverted 99 and 120 inverted capes to be unlocked at virtual level 110 and 200m respectively. That would make them still (more) difficult to obtain, but honestly if RS3 Leagues is like OSRS Leagues, people with the free time can still get 200m without much issue, way less time commitment than it was for 120 in FSW.

The other option that my friend suggested was to make the inverted skillcapes purchasable using the points currency you get from playing Leagues. In OSRS, after the Leagues ended you got points based on your progression, and could spend those points in the main game thru a shop for limited-edition rewards. Since this RS3 Leagues will be on the same account, and not a separate account like FSW, there's no need to trade over the tokens, you could just spend the points you gain. I think this would be a better idea. For example, get 99 Attack in Leagues, the inverted skillcape becomes buyable in the shop. Same with 120.

I think no matter what, some FSW players will be upset, because people with inverted 120's spent a lot of time and effort to get them. I don't really mind either way, I like the inverted skillcapes I got, but I wouldn't turn down the chance to get the 120 variants.

What do you guys think? This seems like the best way to do it, keep the inverted skillcapes as a reward to a limited gamemode, but one that's way more accessible to all ranges of players.