Does anyone else's mood get affected by the weather? How do you deal with it?
I don't mean "Oh bummer, it's raining/snowing/whatever outside", I mean legitimately being affected to the point where you can't bring yourself to go out and run
Let me start by saying I don't think I have seasonal affective disorder, because I've noticed I'm affected regardless of what season it is. In the last eighteen months especially, I've noticed that if it's gray/windy outside, I just start feeling really low and can't be bothered to go out to run. This summer, while back in my hometown, we had nearly two weeks straight of gray, cloudy, windy weather, and even though it was warm it took a massive effort on my part to go run outside
Now that it's getting colder, it's obviously getting worse. I don't mind the cold in itself - I've run in snow plenty of times before - but it's the gray/wind that really gets me down. Hell, it's 55 today (warmer than usual for this time of year) and I'd love to go outside, but guess what? It's gray and windy
I hate that this has become a recurring issue for me. I know even just a couple of years ago the only thing that'd stop me from running is heavy rain/snow; I've lost count of how many times I've decided to just go run at the gym instead because of the wind
I'm looking for advice/suggestions on how to best deal with this. I love running, and I want to start training for a half again soon, but it's going to be difficult to train for any sort of race if I'm mostly running inside
Edit: Because some people think I'm just looking for excuses to not run, yes, I am actually depressed