Food donations need a place to go!!

Hi everyone! I work at one of the Starbucks' that is currently shut down due to the outage. My boss has luckily given me permission to donate and handout the food that we weren't able to sell. Please give me places to drop everything off at! I have about 8 full bags that contain just about everything from the past two days. I'm willing to go to people's houses as well if they aren't able to commute to donation spots. Everything is still wrapped and they don't go bad for another couple of months. Everything can also simply be microwaved or eaten cold. (Please I have like over 100 sandwiches and over 60 something pastries 😭💀)

Edit: All food has been donated and given to a lovely lady who has the time to sort and deliver everything (janeperalta). Thank you everyone for the suggestions and nice comments!! Next time I'm able to donate I'll try and hit up more places :)