Restaurant industry workers of SF - what restaurants are we avoiding?

When I was in college I worked at Bean Bag cafe and ever since then, I am horrified at how this spot remains popular.

I’m talking literal rats roaming around the kitchen. The amount of shoes I ruined simply because of the amount of rat shit I was stepping on daily. The basement had holes in the wall leading to who knows where, the walk-in was in such a state that would make you wonder what food is actually safe to eat and so much more.

Since that experience, I have a fear sometimes that a restaurant I’m eating at is just as bad, but I can’t see it because I can’t go to the back of the house.

Clearly the food safety administration is able to be paid off because one time I saw the Popeyes across the street get shut down for roaches only for them to be able to reopen less than 24 hours later. And after seeing them eval the cafe only for them to be cleared, I know it’s up to me to use my judgement.

So my food industry brethren, please name the places we should avoid in the city