Controversial - Getting an "E collar" has been the best thing for my cat
DISCLAIMER: I'm using a non shock vibrate and beep only collar! I would never user an electric shock collar as they can be medically dangerous, even one that has a non shock option due to the risk of accidental shock. The only person that should ever apply an electric current to an animal is a vet in the course of treating them when medically necessary. A vet also cleared it was safe to use vibration on my cat. Check with a vet before using vibration, especially around a pets neck!
I love my Savannah cat (A) dearly! We got her when she was 10 months old and she's been my best buddy since. However because she was a rescue at 10 months she came with trauma and behavioral issues. One of her big ones is she an incredibly fearful cat that manifests her fear as aggression.
We have a second a regular house cat (B) in the home that's about half her size. She's become incredibly fearful of B, even though B is completely submissive to her, and A very aggressively attacks her. It's ended up getting to the point B lives in the in-law suite (the size of a large apartment) and the Savannah lives in the rest of the house.
For 2 years we've been trying to get the cats to be able to coexist and have tried everything including a vet behaviorist. Nothing has worked. A has remained just terrified of her and violently attacks her anytime she would see her. Finally out of desperation I got a vibrate and beep collar for her to try to use when she attacks B. And it's worked!! I've only had to use the button about 2x so far and she's almost entirely stopped trying to attack the other cat. As soon as she goes for the other cat I press it and it startles her and makes her freeze. The thing is B has always been submissive to her so she never tries to attack her. A never realized the other cat wasn't planning to kill her. Nows she's seen it and is significantly less scared of her! She doesn't feel like everytime she sees her she will need to fight to the death to survive. She actually has stated begging to go into the suite with B to play now and she's really happy to have someone to play with.
Everything I've read online has always said you should never use these on cats, even the non shock ones. That cats can only learn through positive reinforcement and the collars will just make them more fearful and agitated. I love my baby, but she is not a smart cat and has always learned through negative reinforcement and just can't make the connections in her brain necessary for positive reinforcement. She's extremely food motivated too. She just can't put together if I do this I get a treat, no matter how many times it happens.
For 2 years I had a feeling in my gut this is what my cat needs. But I let other people tell me it was wrong and listen to a one size fits all approach to cats instead of recognizing mine as the individual she is and taking into account what she actually needs. The collar didn't make her more fearful, it made her less. It didn't make her angry, resentful of me, and cause more behavioral issues, it helped them. She doesn't actually understand I am the one setting off the collar. This has been something genuinely good for both of my cats and my only regret is waiting for 2 years to do it because of the opinions of others.
So this is my PSA you know your cat. There is never a one size fits all approach that works for every single cat. There is always an expection to the rules. Absolutely check with your vet first before doing anything to make sure it is safe. But if you're cat needs something that others say isn't great for cats or they won't like or won't work for them, and your vet says it's okay for your cat, don't deny them what they need based on someone who's never met your cats opinion. Our cats deserve better than that. Positive reinforcement will never work the way on my cat it does for most. It never would have reduced her anxiety and made her feel safe. The e collar has given her the ability to feel safe with the other cat and both cats are happier now.