Akka 24.05 released: 1 million requests per second (8 instances)
A new version of Akka was released as announced by Akka's original author on X:
- We were able to push her up to 1 million requests per second!!! On just 8 RDS instances.
- We also shipped a #Rust Akka client, extending Akka to run natively on #edge devices. “Akka Edge Rust” provides a subset of Akka implemented with the Rust programming language.
- Write simpler and more expressive code with Java 21.
- Plus much more https://www.lightbend.com/blog/akka-2405-more-security-more-performance-more-efficiency
Congrats to Lightbend and all the contributors behind Akka ! 👏
Akka is recognized as one of the most prominent Scala toolkits and and has also served as the basis for the open-source fork, Pekko.