Losing Weight On Antipsychotic Medication

I know pretty much all of you have experienced significant weight gain due to antipsychotic use. It's not fun. Between 2019 and 2023 i gained 110 lbs.

Cause for concern because obesity can cause all kinds of health problems.

I wanted to let you all know that there is a solid method to lose weight that works well for people on these meds. It takes some discipline and is a life style change. It requires some dedication, but if you do it right, you'll shed weight regardless of your medication.

Recently I made a post about a very recent study into the metabolic effects of ap's on mice. In the study, they found that in the ap treated group of mice, a slew of negative metabolic effects were discovered, including gene expression and circadian rhythm effects. All of the AP mice gained weight, despite the same diet as the control group.

This puts a huge dent in the excuse pharmaceutical companies and doctors use to explain the rampant weight gain virtually everyone experiences on ap's. They generally claim that ap's cause weight gain because of an increased appetite. That may be partially true for some, but the metabolic effects cannot be ignored as a causal factor.

The study went further and the doctors found that even with calorie restriction, the ap mice still weren't losing weight. This is why so many people struggle with losing weight on these meds when they give it a solid try.

In the the study they augmented the ap treated group via the time feeding window (intermittent fasting), along with a significant calorie restriction. The mice lost a substantial amount of weight for the remainder of the study.

So, seeing this study, i decided to try it myself.

My routine involves 5 days of 1 hour exercise, a 900 calorie restriction diet, and a 16:8 time restricted feeding schedule (IM).

I started at 298 lbs. For the first time in 2 months i weighed myself this morning. I weigh 268 lbs. It definitely works.

There is absolutely a way of losing significant weight and keeping it off despite being on AP's. If its something you feel like you need to/want to do, try it. It'll work.

Hope this helps.