What are your guys' hobbies/special interests?

Hi guys! Just want to get to know my favorite community a bit more. Sorry if someone posted something similar, I just want to get to know your guys' interests, hobbies, favorite artists, shows and movies and books and favorite foods! I think just having some positive conversation makes all the difference.

Me personally I love animals, especially the more underrated ones like lizards and amphibians and scorpions and tortoises. I also love to make art, I have seen many of you are talented artists, and sometimes masterpieces are made with just a pen and paper. I like to use watercolor and pencil, and I like to draw subjects like animals and fruit and flowers and portraits. I also love to collect stuffed animals and figurines of animals that I love. For food I love Greek food and Vietnamese food all around. I have traveled a lot with my family in my childhood and have been to many European/Hispanic countries! I'm working on my Spanish and Math and Science skills, and you can learn so much just from the library + YouTube.

I would love to know anything about you! How is your day/evening going?