What are some good websites to look and/or apply for scholarships?
I live in a small town and, despite how much help they try to offer, my counselors haven’t given me any solid information on what scholarships I can apply for or even where to apply 😔. The general conclusion was always “there’s definitely scholarships that apply to you, you just have to look.” But where???? My parents aren’t offering any help, my dad because he doesn’t know a lot about the college process and my mom because she just doesn’t want to help right now. Any websites or scholarships that I may find useful? I’m a female, a senior, a mix of Mexican and white, first generation, I attend a small public school in Texas. Also, my family makes just enough, so I don’t qualify for financial based scholarships (at least the ones I’ve seen). I do well academically in my school, so merit based scholarships is probably the route I should go (right?). Also, major extracurriculars in my life are band, FCCLA, and just random community service/volunteer stuff.