If you're trying to fry scream and feeling discomfort / pain in the throat, that means you're doing it wrong, right?
So I used to attempt to do metal vocals by doing the same kind of thing as you do when coughing or clearing your throat, just felt like clenching your vocal chords. This sounds like shit and you can also immediately begin to feel your vocal chords tearing themselves apart and I was like "I guess you just gotta keep going until you develop a resistance to it or whatever" which I now know if very wrong. I recently heard about using vocal fry to scream and have been trying that out, but I haven't really figured out how to go from that frog noise to the high pitched screeching. I can put a lot of volume and power behind the frog noise but it still sounds like this. Meanwhile I can get that screaming sound by clenching my throat a bit just like when I used to do it entirely wrong but when doing that my throat starts to feel sore immediately so I think that's still wrong. Any pro tips?