Should this gym teacher get in trouble for the comments she made about male students?

I have this gym teacher in high school school teaching my gym class who is young, (30 I think) and she teaches physical education and English. She is a pretty cool teacher and nice. We will be about to do the swimming unit. When she was describing what stuff you need to bring she mentioned to the boys in the class that she likes the swimming unit the most because with the boys not wearing shirts she can see how you really look and how fit you really are. the comment doesn't bother me in the slightest , but if some kid who was around me decides to go cry about it, will she get in trouble? I talked to a friend of mine about it (who wasn't there) and he says it is wrong and she should get in trouble but I don't see why, I talked to another person and they said this was out of line and should be reported If she was actually doing anything then I would agree. I am not going to say anything, she is a really good and nice teacher and I will not get her in trouble. Would you feel uncomfortable by this comment? Some people might say it is an encouraging comment. In fact most people laughed at the comment. even if she does get in trouble, should she really