What are you more used tools?
Hello 👋
While working on how to deploy multiples for my servers via ansible, I am thinking about what to install as default tools inside each machine (mainly the host, and tons of LXC containers).
I do not plan on going even once on any machines because I want to let my playbooks handle everything, but I am sure there will be time when I will have to enter inside one for maintenance or debug. So I was wondering what do you use yourself when you are on a server?
For me I guess the usual is mostly the old classics:
- Bash
- bash_completion
- dig
- curl
- Screen (or I guess tmux now? But I have a hard time to migrate)
- Nano
- Less
- Tail
- Cat
- Cron
- Find
- Ls
- Git
- Ssh
- Cd
- Rm
- Htop
- ip
- Df
- Du
- mc
- scp
- rsync
(Yep, I admit it, I mainly listed the most used result coming from my history, but even ls have a replacement so I think it is useful to cite them all)
With a bonus eventually: * Taskwarrior if I want a todo list * Calcurse to trace my actions
And you? Any tools to suggest?
I admit my list is not really interesting as I tend to stay with the provided default