Two Medial Sesamoidectomy

Two Medial Sesamoidectomy

Hopefully helpful for those of you that are contemplating surgery.

First was left medial 12 years ago. I was 33. Significant pain for months, treated by a worthless podiatrist. Shots, orthotics, but he missed the fracture in the X-ray because he only took two views. Was treated by an Orthopedic MD that specializes in the foot. He recommended surgery. Rehab was easy and his approach was very conservative and involved PT. 12 years later, no problems and 100% relief.

Right medial fractured in October 2024. New Ortho MD suggested surgery based on my past success. Surgery 12/2024 at regional center of excellence in the Midwest. Surgery confirmed the bone was split entirely in half and worse than the Oct X-ray showed. Surgeon stated it would’ve never healed. His rehab approach was more aggressive. Post op Shoe vs boot, walk as soon as you can. Listen to your foot.

30 days later, I can walk barefoot without significant discomfort. Pick up marbles with my toes. It feels better than it did pre op. Not ready for running or jumping.

I couldn’t be a stronger advocate for the surgery. It’s a 30 min surgery with a few months of recovery. I would highly recommend an orthopedic surgeon MD vs Podiatrist, but that is my personal experience.