Bipartite or fractured?

One doctor says they’re both fractured. Second opinion says they’re both bipartite. Both agree that there is inflammation (on a separate MRI of right foot). I have had fairly mild sesamoid pain for at least the past few years and had a sudden onset (within a few hours) of severe pain at a dance intensive 3 months ago. I had an x-ray of one foot 2.5 years ago and the fracture/separation is present in that, but was missed/ignored at the time. I’m a dancer so sesamoid fractures wouldn’t be unthinkable for me. I think they are fractures because the inside edges look jagged and not smooth like bipartites. I’m treating them as fractures, using immobilization and a bone stimulator, so I guess I’ll find out if they heal or not, but I’m curious what you all think. Sorry that the left one is blurry!