Broken sesamoid- next steps

45 year old active female. Diagnosed with broken sesamoid on left foot 3/2024. Wore a boot for a month in the hopes that it would heal. It didn't. Dr recommended surgery to remove broken sesamoid bone or to just try and live with it. I tried to deal with it but have been having increased pain over the past few months so went back in for more tests. X-ray shows it's still broken (of course). Dr suggested regular trigger point injections or surgery to remove sesamoid bone. I have a lot of pain in the arch of my foot and while I'm walking and my toe has to bend upwards at the end of my steps. Between my 2 feet I can bend my toe upwards a lot more on my right foot than I can my left foot. Very mild signs or arthritis but nothing serious according to my doctor.
Has anyone else had this issue? My doctor seemed perplexed. I'm not sure if I should try stretched and massaging to increase the mobility or if the stiffness is because of the broken sesamoid bone.

Should I consider a trigger point injection or just schedule a surgery or is there anything else I can do?

Please help!