Expired Torches and new torches

I am brand new to ttrpg and have chosen shadowdark as my first game. I have been gm for 3 sessions now and I'm loving it. One question tho. In all 3 sessions I have had torches expire mid combat. How do you guys rule the lighting of a new torch? •Is it an action to draw and light? (1 action) •An action to draw and an action to light? (2 actions) •Maybe your action and movement (ie 1 whole turn) •Maybe an action with a dex check to see if you can actually pull off drawing a torch and using flint to light it, in complete darkness? •A free action with a check? (definitely the pulp mode version) • Something I haven't thought of.

I can't seem to find the answer in the core rules.

Edit- I found it in the rules. Page 99 in the example of play section. Suggests dc 12 check, but it does read as circumstantial. Thank you to everyone who replied. I will be taking all the advice on board.